2011 m. spalio 2 d., sekmadienis

Trinity Fractal and Nebulas theme.

Every time, when I’m creating clips, I always try to do something new, that would not be so boring for you to watch. At this time I surprised myself :D because the beginning of the clip and the end (with that trinity fractal especially was just astonishing to me :) At this time a fractal object appeared that has no ending and formed an effect that no matter how much we zoom that fractal object, he will repeat infinitely just like never ending mathematical function :D
And the music has been picked up without thinking which will fit the most for this particular video and for this reason music is not synchronized and the clip is very short because I do not think that it is good to watch rotating objects for a 10 or 15 minutes unless the details of the clip would be not so sharp and there should be much more layers (but a process of creation would be very long and too boring for me (but maybe I’ll try))…
So a fragment of the music is from: “chase & status flashing lights”. And I can’t embed video here because of license, but click to the picture and you will see another strange video. I hope you enjoy it, bye now. Raimundas Tumėnas 

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