2011 m. gruodžio 11 d., sekmadienis

15th Fractal clip & The Golden Spiral.

So this vid is not very abstractive as others are and has that implemented meaning at the end of the clip.
Which is a golden spiral and (some quotes from a book called: “A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe”) “unlike Archimedian spiral, the distance between the golden spiral’s coils keeps increasing, growing wider as it moves away from the source or narrower as it moves toward it. […] This is nature’s spiral of seashells and ram’s horns, of our ears and fists, of watery whirlpools and starspangled galaxies. It grows from within itself and increases according to the Fibonacci process of accumulation” […] “Spirals are the purest expression of moving energy. The universe moves and transforms in spirals, never straight lines. Spirals show up as the path of moving atoms and atmospheres, in molecules and minerals, in the forms of flowing water, and in the bodies of plants”. “These characteristics are the open secret of balance of animal horns, seashells, plants, and galaxies. For instance, as the chambered nautilus creature grows larger, the gland that exudes shell material also grows, building a widening shell. The shell’s golden spiral shape maintains the same center of gravity in any size, and so the nautilus need not relearn how to balance itself as it matures. […] Similarly, the tree that puts out branches and leaves in spiral “staircases” around their respective “eyes” can get enormously large.  
Gothic and Renaissance artists used local shells to design spiral staircase of great strength. The well known sound of the ocean “heard” in a spiral seashell is actually the magnified echo of the blood pulsing in the listener’s own ear.” […] “The groups of birds and swarms of insects, regroup in the pattern of a whirlpool spiral. Some say that is because they are following the unseen water on air. Others maintain that each individual fish, bird and insect is like one cell, one part of a single organism and they are linked as one energy field.
Another property unique to this type of spiral is reflecting in an alternate name for it, the “equiangular” spiral, coined be the French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes in 1638: any line drawn from the pole to the curve cuts it at the exact same or “equal” angle all around.
The flight of a fly illustrates this. A fly’s eye is made of thousands of tiny, hexagonally packed facets. It sees the same image fixed in its original place in each facet. As the distance to the object becomes shorter, the angle of approach remains constant. Thus, the path produced is made of segments whose arcs are identical, only different in size – tracking the accumulative golden spiral.”[…]
“The outer ear, or auricle, is one of our body’s most obvious spirals, along with curls of hair and spiral cowlicks, the mushroomlike vortex of our nostrils, our curling fists and accumulating fingernails. Chinese acupuncturists, recognizing the principle that the part models the whole, map the entire spiral embryo onto the spiral ear. Thus, to treat any malady of the body, they’ll first treat the corresponding part of the ear.”
“Not only does our whole body into life as a spiral, but at its heart, our body’s literal heart, is a dexterious (left - spinning) spiral vortex”.
“A single electron in a superheated bubble chamber leaves spiral trails as it loses energy within the chamber’s magnetic field. From the smallest particle whirlpools to the largest clusters of galaxies, each dances the same spiral step when coming into, or dissolving out of, manifestation.”
Hope that in the near future I’ll post some more information about these very interesting things (to me at least) to my blog theworldofthefreactal.blogspot.com
And if you have been watching this or other clips, you easily can notice, that I’m possessed about golden spiral, which contains of the Fibonacci sequences, which and also can be found everywhere in nature. So these kind of things show to us that all Universe has the same laws and doesn’t matter what kind of size is the matter, because her dynamics remains the same. Hmm that’s very interesting to me, and keeps me wondering about. That’s for sure… Bye now. Raimundas Tumėnas

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