2011 m. gruodžio 8 d., ketvirtadienis

Fractal: Surfing on the waves [music fragment: AFX - Acid 04]

Hello to Everybody!
This is new one. I'm creating these clips just for my enjoyment and placing them on youtube, because I hope that somebody will enjoy them too (but was wrong about that :). Some of the clips are very abstractive (like this one), they won't "tell" ya anything..
Why I started to create these vids? Well, I have been inspired by Steve Willner clips, but his vids showed to me too fast with embedded some kind of meaningful symbols and with a rapid movement these symbols (I think) can be embedded to our brains at the subconscious level (my guess :). Personally do not try to do that (and don't like that, but then clips seems that has no purpose to be created...?), but I like to see how pictures, affected by some effects, are moving on the screen and (for me at least) that is the main goal of creating these kind of clips.
What about music :)? Yes, a music most of the time didn't come from main stream. I like very different music, but for my clips perfectly fit electro music like AFX for instance (and I do not afraid his d'evil smiley face :) , I have to admit, that some of them sounds A BIT INSANE, but others are just perfect for me to listen :) Raimundas Tumėnas 

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