2012 m. sausio 22 d., sekmadienis

a Symphony of Life [Music fragment: Royksopp - Forever]

Hi folks :)
I'm presenting a new clip for your judgment  :D!
The music, which has been picked up is called "Royksopp - Forever" and for me this is one of the best melody of this band. So that interval of the music is very dramatic, and it develops like some kind of battle (this is just for my interpretation, I don't know what about you.). It sounds like a fight of troubles and happiness that we met in our life… but keeps you on balance also.
And clip has been developing without the music. Like always, I have been trying to add something more and think that at this particular time (at least) I made it!
I made it and really enjoy my clip because the music (if it will not be banned on youtube for license) is perfectly synchronized and I always wanted to paste for my clip that particular interval of "Royksopp - Forever" :)
So my mission of development for this kind of creation has been accomplished (if I can put it that way :) and for a quite time, I will vanish from these fields (I guess, or hope so at least) for a quite some time, but definitely, I'll be back!
Enjoy my clip! Bye for now and good luck for everybody!
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2012 m. sausio 14 d., šeštadienis

Mandala 'Voyager' [Music fragment: Paul Kalkbrenner - Azure]

Hello to anybody, somebody.
Well, anyway, I created this clip and fragment of the music has been picked up incidentally and is known as "Paul Kalkbrenner - Azure". Yes, music has a very much importance and if clip fits to music perfectly (is synchronized) then it can have much more attention than will be now (I guess :).
But at this particular time I'm creating these clips just for my pleasure and the music is just a "second player", just like a background and is not interacting with the clip. So, for this thing, I guess people just watch my clips like a "fast food" and after a few minutes they just forgot what they saw. That is sad, but I think this is the main reason why they are not popular. Another major reason is that I do not have facebook account :D (this is a long story why it is so :) ) and all my clips I'm publishing right now is just in this particular (blog)spot. And I can say the third main reason: I'm not that kind of a person, who like to tell for everybody that they should look to my clips, or saying to others how wonderful are other work and that other people should watch my super duper amazing and astonishing clips. So I isolated all my clips and other stuff too, but I do have a hope that someday others will enjoy it and from now on I just have to continue my work, (re)search, discover and just have to keep wondering do not to stop and if anybody will like what I'm trying to do here, then maybe I'll be happy too (if I will know that of course :)
Bye now :)
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2012 m. sausio 7 d., šeštadienis

Aphex Twin: Ventolin (Asthma Beats Mix)

This is my 17th clip about fractals. In order to create this clip, first of all I created images using very simple "fyre" and "fraqtive" programs, and they can be found on Linux OS (I do not know what about Windows, but I'm sure should be a lot of other programs in order to create fractals).
As usual, first I created clip and then picked up the music, which could fit more or less for my nonsensical vid :D...  The music on the "track" is called Aphex Twin Ventolin [Asthma Beats Mix].
Even I do not know how to describe this clip properly, because it looks like another pointless clip (as usual)...  But it differs from others. There are only fractals and these moving fractals makes the impression that there are the whirlpools (a fractal within a fractal and that can easily be seen when we zooming them) with no ending, infinite. And despite the fact that these fractals are just mathematical formulas, but that (for sure) reminds the Nature. And that still makes me wonder very often that in Nature are certain rules and all living creatures just follow them precisely and obviously this idea can rise the question about God: if He do exist, then He is pure mathematician...
But the manner of creating clips has no different still (and the movement of the images remains the same). And this is funny part for me, because I'm always trying to create a bit slower clip, and often at the beginning they looks like that, but at the end the transition from one image to other are getting more acceleration :) and the funniest part is when I'm watching my clips I don't like these rapid changes but when I'm creating them then they are the most interesting parts of my clips :)
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2012 m. sausio 5 d., ketvirtadienis