Hello folks
Despite this fact that nobody
are visiting this site and my English is just terrible, I decided to start
something new called my virtual corner (this name can be changed in near future
and it depends of that what kind of text will appears there). On this post I’m
going to concentrate on the communication issue and a little bit about social
Communication nowadays is
developed very quickly. Social networking systems are interconnected into each
other and working at full capacity. If we compare what was before 7 years (for
instance) to this day, we can see a lot of difference in that area of development.
As I said before, into interconnected social networks such as twitter facebook
(you name it) flows a lot of information. Obviously in depends on the source
what kind of info is appearing. But most of this info, which is generated have
almost no meaning what so everJ.
Obviously it has meaning (more or less) to the addressee (if such does exist
anyway). So I guess a lot of folks will agree that nowadays people are encountering
with information overflow in social networks (but I do not blame them, why I
should. I myself like that idea to write something and express myself like I’m
doing now). So in the first conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I have to save,
that we are using that what have been created for us, but in proper or not
proper ways that is not for me to decide ::D
Earlier, when nobody had a
mobile phone (just a telephone or landline phone) seems a bit weird to a lot of
people I guess. But it seemed that in this particular situation people had more
‘freedom’ if I can put in that way. Nowadays, especially if we do have a lot of
friends or are busy personas, to live without a laptop, or smartphone just for
one day, it seems like a biggest nightmare :D So the second conclusion seems
that our society has changed by these devices (and now is changing more and
more with a stronger acceleration). And that is irreversible changing.
Earlier people fought for
their privacy, nowadays nobody just cares about that. They just want to share
ideas, thoughts, to have conversations on their social networking systems, and
share their privacy (pictures vids and so on) with others. Why it is like so? Because
we are curious (I guess the mars rover has also this name – curiosity (totally
of topic :)) and that ability has attraction to the social networks as well. So
another conclusion is also simple we are using it because we are curious.
But when we are dependent to
these communication systems, that’s it – to escape from that you do not have a
lot of chances: D Because we are curious
and others are using it we others also involving into this. And that’s the name
of the game. And a lot of our conversations have been moved into these soc.
networks sys. I lost of track which conclusion will be now, but a lot of our
conversation has moved there.
Because of that it is becoming
very strange phenomenon when everybody who is online wants to talk at the same
time (or just want to be noticed) and is starting to flow meaningless info. And
namely at that time starts to appear a couple of problems. First - information
overflow (especially if you do have a lot of friends and you are very curious).
Second, too much time there forms overwhelming impression. Third, because of
information overflow and overwhelming impression you are leaving these social
networks not always happy and don’t feel connected with others. But I guess it
depends on popularity: who are popular then social networks are maintaining or
even growing their popularity and who were not – they are maintaining that as
well or going under. And that is not very important what you will say there or what
you will share with others. So that is becoming for some people (like me) a
real issue.
As I said before, I do like to
share my opinions on various questions and so on, but I do not like how the
information is presenting in some soc.nets. I guess, after 5 or more years
somebody will find this text and will use it against me :D OMG that would be a
total failure.
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