2012 m. spalio 28 d., sekmadienis

into the brick wall

This is first time of making clips using ‘mandelbulb 3d’ program officially :D
This program is interesting especially in finding weird structures within these formulas in 3d model. But it took a lot of time of generating pictures frame by frame (of making animation), but off course, when I think it has succeeded then this is like a new level of making fractals. These 3d fractals in my personal opinion is much more complex than comparing to 2 D Mandelbrot or Julia sets, when I have been generating them using Fraqtive program. These are incomparable but it’s hard even to see fractals if you combining a lot of formulas together :) so it is becoming maybe something different in my opinion. But despite everything said, this program (mandelbulb 3d) is quite interesting and I’m willing to do more clips using this soft :)
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