2012 m. spalio 12 d., penktadienis

Kaleidoscope [Music_Acoustica - mt. Saint Michel]

Hi whenever and wherever you are now.
I would like to present my newest clip (at this moment newest of course :D)
So this is vid which has been done in my old fashion, standard of mine if you might say.
For me to listen music and watch a video at the same time is like a trip or some kind of journey. This journey is done of interaction between sound and vid. Of course, very often my created clips have no interaction (for me at least but for others I do not know) and then it is just good to watch for a while, but in other hand it is like fast food production.
That kind of interesting interaction appears to me all the time when I’m creating these clips (in that process of making it). And as I said before, to watch what I have made is not always interestin. But i would like to lift up a situation when (in my opinion) I succeed. This feeling is very similar to the feeling, when you are reading very interesting book (I’m not talking about special books (sometimes maybe it also possible), but belles-lettres or booksof your favourite author which you have red dozens of times but still reading) or when you (to be in more accurate – me, because I don’t know about the others) taking a picture and that feeling of interaction with that process, or environment. this contemplation this feeling of understanding in my opinion are very precious to me.
What an I say about this particular clip? Almost nothing. I just took pictures, which at that moment I thought could fit to my development of this clip and that’s it. I created it in the same manner like other vids and at the end, as usual started to listen AFX music :D because in my opinion this music fits to my vids best. And immediately saw just after a few songs (if we can call this stuff songs :D) I have noticed which fits not bad at all.
So enjoy this clip. And I would like to get a feedback from the watchers. What is your opinion about this stuff is it just a rubbish, or maybe not so bad. Thank You. 
 Raimundas Tumėnas 

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