2012 m. gruodžio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Cosmic Dance and Cassini-Huygens mission

Hello folks
This clip contains a few shots and videos from cassini/Huygens space mission. Other images have been taken from http://apod.nasa.gov/ site (I like these archives very much BTW :).
Why I have edited these video? Well, recently at free time I have been watching these NASA archives and from there I saw images and video material which have been captured by this Cassini/Huygens mission. I saw very poor video of Saturn and its rings but that immediately impressed me and I thought that I also have to use this material in my personal clip.
But when I started to make this clip I connected images and videos of Saturn not bad, but I raised a question: what to do next. So I just attached a few images from telescopes and edited them a little bit.
To be honest, I wanted to do something more about this video. I wanted to insert images from other probes (like spirit, opportunity, curiosity, maybe even from Apollo missions and (or) from Voyager 1 and Voyager2), but immediately thought that it could be too long and too boring nowadays to watch unfortunately, and my time in doing it a little bit more interesting (or just thinking and trying to do so) could be spent too much and it could be meaningless. So I decided to make it shorter and more interesting just with Cassini Huygens mission (and for me personally this mission was amazing, despite the fact, that it didn't collect much data and images, but still it is amazing). Of course also is magnificent to watch spirit, opportunity and especially curiosity launching and landing. This is amazing and incomparable for me.
At the end of the clip you can see a few shots of lifting up a space shuttle (of course maybe it is not the same but just in symbolic way) showing that it all has just begun.
What about the music. I like to mention that every time :) I have been listening 'The xx' band for a couple of weeks now, and I really liked their music style. So because of that I inserted Basic Space remix into my clip. I do think that my clip has tune with this sound. But it is just my opinion anyway :)
So I'm hopping in the near future to do something similar (well, I promised that at the end of the clip, when showed a space shuttle launching (this is one of many interpretations of this action :))
Bye now.

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