2013 m. liepos 2 d., antradienis

'Flying' over 3D fractal 'constructions'

Hi folks :)
I’m presenting to you my recently made clip.
You might ask: why the main animation is not on full screen mode? Well, it’s fairly simple to answer :D The main animation was made of 5300 pictures and the resolution was chosen only 320 by 180. But, despite this fact, to render all 5300 pictures took almost 15 hours to me. So if would try to do animation with much better resolution (let’s say 1280 by 720) it could take maybe two weeks. Why I didn’t like so? Well, mainly because it is my first steps to “Mandelbulb 3D” and animation wasn’t very impressive because I do not have good skills of “Mandelbulb 3D” and perhaps I never will.
But, anyway, like for beginner clip went not too bad for my personal opinion.
For those who are interested of soundtrack. It is a fragment of Body Language Vol. 8 (Mixed by MODESELEKTOR).
Good luck and take care folks.
Raimundas Tumėnas 

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