2011 m. rugsėjo 10 d., šeštadienis

Fractal of the tree

This is my first clip (Fractal of the tree). And as you can see (if you compare with others), at the beginning video is a little bit boring (music is also very odd (to many people I guess), but  hat’s good for me :) and after some time you can see how clip is developing to the better way (I think :)
In my personal opinion, despite the fact, that this video is my first one, but is the best (now, at least) because it is considered from the pictures, which I have done and, because of that, it has some kind of authenticity. Others have been made from abstract wallpapers.
If some one are interested in how much time did I spend for creating the clip,  no problem,  I 'll tell you – two days, because that was new to me, but, anyway, that is fun ;) Raimundas Tumėnas 

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